Shortcuts for getting results you want from Siri


Siri is a powerful tool, but it can be frustrating to use. I know this because I've spent a lot of time frustrated with Siri. Luckily, there are some easy ways to get more out of Siri that will save both time and frustration! In this post we'll go over those shortcuts for getting results you want from Siri.

Shortcuts for getting results you want from Siri

Siri can do a lot of things. You'll be surprised at how many different things it can help you with.

  • Find out the weather and sports scores: You don't have to look at your phone anymore! Just say "Hey Siri," and she'll tell you what's going on in the world right now (weather, sports scores). If she doesn't know an answer for something like this, ask her anyway—she might surprise even herself by being able to provide an answer!

  • Play music or podcasts: Siri will play any music from iTunes or Spotify that's stored on your device as well as any audiobooks that are downloaded onto it. It's also possible for her to listen through podcasts from Pocket Casts or Overcast in order for them not appear as individual files after playing through Voice Control; if either service is unavailable during playback then those types of media won't work either but still remain playable even without being opened in another app first which could cause issues depending on how much memory space happens

to be available on your device at the time.

You can also ask Siri to play a specific song or album, and she'll do so. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of music stored on your device and don't feel like scrolling through all of it manually just to find what you're looking for. The same goes for audiobooks and podcasts—just say the title or artist's name, and she will find the relevant content for you!

Ask Siri to open an app: This is one of the most basic functions of all, but it works just as well as it does on your computer or phone. You can say “Open Instagram” or “Open Reddit” and you'll get a list of options with those words in them; simply tap on the ones that look like what you're looking for.

If you have multiple apps that could be used in a given situation, Siri will show you all of them at once; just tap on the one that works best for you.

You can also ask Siri to open an app without specifying the name; this is great if you want to open a specific feature of an app rather than just the application itself. For example, you can say “Open my photos” when looking through your album and she will give you a list of all of them; just tap on the one that looks like what you want. You can also say “Play my music” or “Listen to my podcasts” and she will do so!

Ask Siri to do something with an app: This is a great way to get more out of your device. You can ask her to “Open Instagram and post a photo” or “Send an email to my boss.” If you want Siri to do something in particular, use the right words!

For example, if you want to send an email, say “Send an email” instead of “Email someone.” If you want her to look up something on the internet, ask her “Look up [topic] on Wikipedia.”

You can also ask Siri to open an app without specifying the name; this is great if you want to open a specific feature of an app rather than just the application itself. For example, you can say “Open my photos” when looking through your album and she will give you a list of all of them; just tap on the one that looks like what you want. You can also say “Play my music” or “Listen to my podcasts” and she will do so! Ask Siri to do something with an app: This is a great way to get more out of your device. You can ask her to “Open Instagram and post a photo” or “Send an email to my boss.

If you want Siri to do something in particular, use the right words! For example, if you want to send an email, say “Send an email” instead of “Email someone.” If you want her to look up something on the internet, ask her “Look up [topic] on Wikipedia.” You can also ask Siri to open an app without specifying the name; this is great if you want to open a specific feature of an app rather than just the application itself.

For example, you can say “Open my photos” when looking through your album and she will give you a list of all of them; just tap on the one that looks like what you want.

You can also say “Play my music” or “Listen to my podcasts” and she will do so! Ask Siri to do something with an app: This is a great way to get more out of your device. You can ask her to “Open Instagram and post a photo” or “Send an email to my boss.


We hope you found this blog post helpful! If you’re looking for other tips and tricks on how to get the most out of Siri, we have a few more articles that should be helpful. You can also check out our collection of other blogs about Siri here:

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